活动信息 Event Information |
日期 Date |
地点 Location |
时间 Time |
名称 Name |
10/22/16 |
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia |
12PM - 4PM |
金秋十月赏红叶 |
活动具体安排 Agenda |
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch @ Chef Lin Buffet (Prospect Plaza Shopping Center, 417 S Jefferson St, Frederick, MD 21701) 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM Arrive 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Hiking 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM Leave |
收支公布 |
人数 |
收费 |
总收入 |
支出情况 |
结余 |
20 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
活动信息 Event Information |
日期 Date |
地点 Location |
时间 Time |
演讲人 Speaker |
8/27/16 |
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt Vernon Pl NW, Washington, DC 20001 |
2:40 PM to 4:00 PM |
John Lin |
活动具体安排 Agenda |
Presentation. Refreshments and drinks will be provided. Timeframe: 2:40PM to 3:00PM, Check-in & presocial |
演讲题目 Topic |
中美论坛-迷你分论坛-华府房地产投资合作 |
PDH Course Credit |
1.0 Hr |
演讲人信息 Bio |
John Lin, President & CEO of CapStar Commercial Realty (www.capstarco.com), built one of the most ethnically diverse commercial real estate companies in metro Baltimore and Washington region. Lin started his career in commercial real estate industry since 1983 and has helped some major regional companies in expanding its real estate business.
Having graduated from the University of Maryland with a B.S. in Accounting and from Johns Hopkins University – Montgomery County Campus with a M.A.S., Lin’s educational background prepared him with financial accounting, insurance, security, investment, restaurant and information technology as well as real estate and business acquisition.
Even though when Lin launched his CapStar operation“at the bottom of the economy,” Lin is proud of that CapStar is still growing and has more than 45 licensed agents. Lin attributes most of his success to satisfied clients and fellow brokers in the real estate industry, stating that referrals often come from other brokers, even though they are competitors in similar business.
Lin claims the business of commercial real estate “just can’t be done alone.”
Lin believes honesty and integrity are important in the commercial real estate business and are two qualities he looks for in all his agents and staff members. Additionally, CapStar employees have diverse language skills, allowing them to communicate effectively and cultivate relationships with culturally diverse audiences.
After more than 20 years in business in Washington Baltimore Metropolitan area, Lin is ready to take CapStar to the next level. |
收支公布 |
人数 |
收费 |
总收入 |
支出情况 |
结余 |
80 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
活动信息 Event Information |
日期 Date |
地点 Location |
时间 Time |
演讲人 Speaker |
6/11/2016 |
8401 Good Luck Rd, Lanham, MD 20706 |
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM |
See below |
活动具体安排 Agenda |
Presentation. Refreshments and drinks will be provided. Timeframe: 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Check-ins & Pre Social Time 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Presentation/ Panel Discussion 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM GroupDiscussion |
演讲题目 Topic |
Transportation Panel Discussion |
PDH Course Credit |
1.0 Hr |
演讲人信息 Bio |
Host: Dr, Chung-Chi Fu, Professor, University of Maryland Panel Speakers: Jialin Tian, Division Chief, MDSHA Yuqiong Bai, Project Manager, MDSHA Jun Wang, U.S. Department of Transportation Ning Li, Program Manager, VDOT |
收支公布 |
人数 |
收费 |
总收入 |
支出情况 |
结余 |
55 |
$15/$5 |
$690 |
$303.75 |
$386.25 |
活动信息 |
日期 |
地点 |
时间 |
演讲人 |
5/8/2016 |
52 West Gude Drive, Rockville MD 20851 |
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM |
Andy Li, PE |
活动具体安排 |
华府华专联, 土木沙龙, 湖南高校同学会联合组织,本讲座免费, 将为听众提供茶点。 |
演讲题目 |
1.职业土木工程师有什么优劣势?现在经济不好,我是否应该转行? 2.作为一个全职的职业人士,工作之余,怎样可以获得可持续性收入?以防不测? 3.我什么时候应该买自住房?什么时候应该买投资房?怎样选择?怎样处理房屋出租中常见的复杂问题?如广告招租、欠租、毁约、损坏、维修、合法避税等。 4.没有足够的现金投资,怎样做到“借鸡生蛋”? 5.作为一个全职的职业人士, 忙碌中怎样合理安排时间?怎样才能做到事半功倍,“四两拔千斤”? |
PDH Course Credit |
NA |
演讲人信息 |
李新章先生1987年在中国湖南大学取得土木工程学士学位, 同年就职于国家医药管理局武汉医药设计院, 任土木结构工程师。 工作6年后于1993 年赴美留学, 1995年在常春藤名校Dartmouth College取得工程硕士学位。 李先生1997年加入位于现有54年悠久历史的特坚-科恩-爱德生建筑设计师事务所 (Tadjer-Cohen-Edelson & Associates Inc,以下简称“TCE”)。李新章先生现为TCE公司的高级项目经理及合伙人,设计了美国百余栋高层办公及住宅建筑。 杰出作品包括位于纽约的45层高的Trump Plaza、位于Bethesda市中心的Capital One银行总部、与华人建筑师贝聿铭合作的IMF总部以及位于阿灵顿的33层高的Water view、华盛顿莎士比亚剧院和正在建造中的中国大使馆新住宅楼等。除了全职工作(结构设计)之外, 李新章先生还是知名业余房地产投资, 买卖专家。 自从2004年夏天,李新章工程师被大都会华人房地产公司聘请为房屋结构顾问。 经由李新章先生购买的几十处投资房, 年净收益均在8% 到15%之间。100%出租百分率, 0%空置率。 其中20多处房屋一直由李新章先生亲自管理。
李新章先生是大华府湖北同乡会的名誉会长,湖南高校同学会秘书长。 他还参与创办了美中实验中文学校北方校区并担任此学校的副校长。 李先生自2006年开始涉足教育行业,与中国深圳海龙教育一起创办了位于大华府的“北美教育文化交流中心”。 他是北美教育文化交流中心副总裁兼总经理,也是公司创办人及董事会的核心成员之一 (www.naec-usa.com)。2014和2015李先生成功举办大华府华人扑克牌“拖拉机”大奖赛。 他还参与组织“两湖春晚”,华人中年篮球联赛等, 科堡文化节, 科堡篮球俱乐等。他积极参与并慷慨赞助华府各项社区活动,涉足领域广泛,“做一行,精一行”,在以上提到的各行各业都颇具影响力。 最近, 被称为“三头六臂”的李新章先生在ACM举办的首届杰出华人榜评选活动中入围领域最多,并获得“社区社团”领域的“杰出华人奖”以及各个领域“综合大奖”。 |
收支公布 |
人数 |
收费 |
总收入 |
支出情况 |
结余 |
未统计 |
Free |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
活动信息 |
日期|Date |
地点|Location |
时间|Time |
演讲人|Speaker |
4/16/2016 |
6511 Princess Garden Pkwy, Lanham, MD 20706/ 8401 Good Luck Rd, Lanham, MD 20706 |
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM |
Dr. Chein-Chi Chang, PE |
活动具体安排|Agenda |
Presentation. Refreshments and drinks will be provided. Timeframe: 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Check-ins & Pre Social Time 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Presentation 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Q & A |
演讲题目|Topic |
DC Water的项目合作与职业发展机会 |
PDH Course Credit |
1.0 Hr |
演讲人信息|Speaker Bio |
Dr. Chein-Chi Chang is a senior engineer of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, USA, and an adjunct professor of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA. Dr. Chang is also an adjunct professor with several universities in China. Dr. Chang’s specialties include waste management, ecological engineering, operations research, geographical information systems, remote sensing, and civil and structural design for water distribution system, wastewater collection systems, and wastewater treatment systems. Dr. Chang has been involved in numerous professional associations, including the American Society of Civil Engineers, Water Environment Federation, Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association, and Chinese Institute of Engineers – USA. Dr. Chang is currently serving as the president of Chesapeake Water Environment Association, the local chapter of WEF. |
收支公布 |
人数 |
收费 |
总收入 |
支出情况 |
结余 |
31 |
$5 per person |
$155 |
$156 |
-$1 |
活动信息 |
日期 |
地点 |
时间 |
演讲人 |
1/16 |
6511 Princess Garden Pkwy, Lanham, MD 20706 |
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM |
Dr. Ching-Tzone Tien |
活动具体安排 |
Presentation. Refreshments and drinks will be provided. Timeframe: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Check-ins & Pre Social Time |
演讲题目 |
Water Reuse - Engineering Priciples And Public Policy |
PDH Course Credit |
1.0 Hr |
演讲人信息 |
C. T. Tien is currently Chief of the Groundwater Discharge Permit Division of the Maryland Department of the Environment. C. Tien has been with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) since July of 1975. He was the principal author of the Maryland Sewerage Facilities Guidelines (1978) and helped to develop guidelines regarding groundwater discharge in Maryland including the MDE Land Treatment Guidelines (2003) and Draft Water Reuse Regulations (2009). C. Tien was named the Young Engineer of the Year (1979) by the Maryland Society of Professional Engineers. He is a Professional Engineer (PE) licensed in the State of Maryland. C. Tien has authored or co-authored 32 research papers, book chapters, conference proceedings and governmental publications. He was also an instructor at the University of Maryland, College Park for two graduate courses (2007-1014): (1) ENPM 637 Biological Principles of Environmental Engineering, and (2) ENPM 666 Groundwater Hydrology and Pollution Control. C. Tien’s specialties include, but are not limited to: (1) Water and wastewater treatment; (2) Water pollution control; (3) Waste management, and (4) Groundwater hydrology and water quality protection. |
收支公布 |
人数 |
收费 |
总收入 |
支出情况 |
结余 |
40 |
$5 per person |
$200 |
$30 |
$170 |